Get Started

Purchase Credits

  1. Go to and log into your account.  If you have not yet created an account then select “Register” and create a new account.  

  2. Choose between purchasing individual credits or a recurring monthly subscription of credits (reminder: each credit allows you 40 minutes of time to use the Drive Your Art platform and credits NEVER expire) 

  3. Complete the purchase of the credits or credit subscription

Managing Users

  1. You can have as many sub-accounts as you need so that each project contributor can access the Drive Your Art platform. You can purchase and distribute credits to your sub-accounts easily.  Individual accounts can not be shared.

  2. To create a new user sub-account, log into the My Account page of the website and select “Multi-Accounts”.

  3. Click on the “+ New Multiaccount” button and enter the details for the new sub-account.

  4. Under the Permissions settings you can check the box for “Place Orders” if you want that account to be able to purchase credits on behalf of your account. Check the “View Account Orders” box if you want that sub-account to be able to see your credit purchase history.

  5. After you have created sub-accounts, you can edit their permissions, distribute purchased credits, or delete the account by clicking the “Edit Account” button next to a sub-account.

  6. To distribute credits, enter the number of credits that you want that sub-account to have and click “Change Credits”.  Be sure not to enter a value higher than the amount of credits in your account.

  7. You can remove credits from a sub-account in the same way and those credits will automatically appear back in your account’s credit total.

  8. If you delete a sub-account that has credits, those remaining credits will automatically appear back in your account’s credit total.

Downloading and Installing the Drive Your Art Platform

  1. Be sure that your computer meets the minimum requirements for the Drive Your Art platform to work.  This state-of-the-art program is resource intensive. 

  2. Go to the downloads page and select the operating system and click the download button. Please note that the Drive Your Art program is a large download (~1.5 gb) and depending on your network speed may take awhile to download.

MacOS - Installing the Drive Your Art Platform on a Mac

  1. Download the platform .zip file and double-click to open

  2. Drag the Drive Your Art program icon into your “Applications” folder (this is very important as Drive Your Art will not function properly if not running from your Applications folder)

  3. Right-click (or press and hold the “Control” key while clicking) the Drive Your Art icon to bring up a file options menu.

  4. Select “Open”

  5. A security warning will appear. You can ignore this warning entirely and you may need to repeat steps #3 and #4

  6. If Drive Your Art launches but displays a message about not being able to connect then you may need to temporarily disable any firewalls or content filters that you may have in-place.

Windows - Installing the Drive Your Art Platform on a Windows PC

  1. Download the platform .zip file and double-click to open.

  2. Double-click on the Drive Your Art program icon.

  3. A security warning will appear. You can ignore this warning entirely by clicking "Ok".

  4. If Drive Your Art launches but displays a message about not being able to connect then you may need to temporarily disable any firewalls or content filters that you may have in-place.

Using the Platform - Billboard Setup in a Virtual World

  1. Login to your account on the Drive Your Art platform.

  2. On the Select Advertising Product page click “Virtual” under Billboard.

  3. Select the environment location where you want to see your billboard.

  4. Select the road configuration (depending on your environment this may include the number of road lanes, the road path direction, and road elevation).

  5. Select the vehicle you would like to be in while viewing the billboard.

  6. Select the type of billboard needed and enter the dimensions of that billboard (you can get the billboard dimensions from your outdoor advertising media company).

  7. Select Billboard placement (if applicable).

  8. Upload your artwork.

  9. Agree to consume the credit to access the Virtual World environment you just created.

Using the Platform - Inside the Virtual World

After building the Virtual World environment you can now view your artwork on the billboard. Press the “Forward” button to drive the vehicle along the drive path. The “Reverse” button moves the vehicle backward.  Clicking the “Restart Drive” button moves the vehicle back to the beginning of the drive path.  Click the “Drive Approach” button to have the vehicle automatically drive the entire path.  In “Drive Approach” mode you can click the Left or Right arrows to view out of the left or right side of the vehicle.  This is great for viewing your artwork at various angles.

You can click on a billboard to select it for adjustments.  Once a billboard has been selected you can open move it to a new area in the virtual environment.  Open the fly-out menu on the left side (by clicking the orange menu icon) and click the “Movement” tab to open the billboard movement options.  This options panel lets you rotate the billboard or adjust the height of the billboard.

The left side fly-out menu also has options for increasing or decreasing the vehicle's speed as well as adjusting the environment’s lighting and weather.

Recording a video of the drive approach is a great way to handoff a “proof” of the billboard ad in these settings.  That can be achieved by clicking on the “Record Video” icon at the bottom center of the screen.  If a billboard has not already been selected then you will be required to select one and make adjustments to its placements if needed.  A pop-up screen will allow you to name the saved recording.  Then the Drive Approach will begin while being recorded.  You can manually change the view to look left or right while the Drive Approach is being recorded which will show up in the video.

Using the Platform - Billboard Setup in Real World Environment

  1. Login to your account on the Drive Your Art platform.

  2. On the Select Advertising Product page click “Real World” under Billboard.

  3. Enter Latitude and Longitude coordinates from billboard location. The Latitude and Longitude coordinates are included in the details provided by the billboard company. If you enter a mailing address you will not be as close to the billboard and will need to adjust the location in the next screen.

  4. Adjust your location by clicking and dragging down to view the directional arrows. Use arrows to point at the billboard if it is nearby. If not, utilize the fly-out map or return to the previous screen for a precise address entry.

  5. Set zoom point by clicking the area you want to zoom towards (generally this point will be further down the road).

  6. Define the billboard by clicking the four corners of the billboard to create the canvas where your artwork will be displayed.

  7. Upload your artwork.

  8. Agree to consume the credit to access the Real World environment you just created.

Using the Platform - Inside the Real World Environment

After building the Real World Environment you can now view your artwork on the billboard. Press the zoom button to start the zoom motion. Click the Record button to save a video of that motion. You can also increase or decrease the zoom speed or reset the zoom point if needed.

@ 2024 Drive Your Art™. All rights reserved.